I only have a second as the hubs has given me a five minute reprieve to the tantrums and general chaos downstairs. We had this for dessert tonight and it was a HUGE hit. Some of you out there (not naming any names, MEGHAN) have accused me of having "broken taste buds" so I feel I should assure you my offspring have fully capable (and particular) tastebuds. I wish I could say the hubs tastebuds were full proof; he's been known to put rainbow sprinkles on his scrambled eggs, so I'm not sure I can use him as a credible example. Anyway, I digress. This stuff is so good that you'd never know it was sugar, dairy and soy free!
And, yeah, maybe one day I'll figure out how to post a link that actually works on here.
You're so funny and I relate to not being able to post a link that works! I too had to learn all those things. I saw your blog link (That doesn't work) on the OEF and was intrigued by the Gold Fish title. Very catchy! I was searching the OEF as someone posted about an easy home made lemonade. Was that you? I can no longer find it. Not tech saavy! Let me know if you know how to hunt that down! Carla, carla@getcoached.com